Friday 14 February 2014

The Victorian Make - up era

The Victorian times were dominated by strict codes of morality and were defined by religious practice. 

Heavy make up was seen as promiscuous and audacious. For this reason, make up was only really worn by actresses and prostitutes. If you was caught wearing make-up you would be called a tart back then. 
Subtle, natural beauty was favoured over heavy, obvious make up.

White skin was extremely in Vogue during this era.
Women shielded their skin from the sun by wearing delicate gloves and using parasols hats. Pale skin was desired as it symbolised as classy and wealthy, by showing that you were wealthy enough that didn’t have to work in the sun like the lower classes as society women often stayed inside.

Women rarely wore make up, except a little powder to keep the face from looking too shiny and sweating. Any other cosmetics where worn as eye shadows and lip colours but they were extremely natural and often in nude coloured shades, mascara was also hardly ever worn in Victorian times.

In Victorian times fashion clothing and big hairstyles where a lot more bigger than wearing make-up. Woman back then weren't allowed to use make up so instead they would create big hair styles by using attachable hair pieces.

Woman back in Victorian times would have make-up in a compact such as discrete small shapes as  back then you was seen as prostitutes if worn heavy make-up so they would keep it naturally simple and in a discrete hidden in.

Gloves and big hats where a lot in fashion back in Victorian times, its what woman used to express themselves with.

In todays centaury it would be called a natural make-up look.



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