Tuesday 25 February 2014

1960s Fashion and Beauty

60s is a bit of a repeat of the 20s but instead woman had control of their own bodies for the first time.
  • Lady looking 
  • 1961 Audrey Hepburn was a British actress and humanitarian. Recognised as a film and fashion Icon, hepburn was active during Hollywood's golden age. She is also reguarded by many to be the most naturally beautiful woman of all time.

  • Woman would dress very elegant, dressed up and looking very grown up
  • They would wear very big hats with Raiband glasses
  • Woman would wear their make-up  with full very strong eyebrows, eyeliner with fake eyelashes and strong cheek bones.


    Jean Shrimpton was an English model and actress. She was an icon of Swigging london  and is considered to be one of the wourlds first supper model in the mid 60s

     As you can see in the 1966 woman would have big loose hair do, blue eyeshadow, slick lips, long eyelashes was very in fashion.
    • Back then you didnt have a make up artists models would do their own make-up.  
    Marilyn Monroe in 1960s

    The Marilyn Monroe look started faiding into a boyish look in the mid to late 60s.
    • Polar neck jumpers 
    • Freckles 
    • Short boyish hair
    Childlike look was the beauty and fashion back then.

    Twiggy in late 1960s   


    Thursday 20 February 2014

    Miss Havisham

    I created Miss Havisham as a young looking lady as I believe that she was not older than 40 back in the day as people in the Victorians century did not live as long as we do today. Hygienic wasn't very good back in Victorians era. Illness where very height back then, a lot of people died from being ill and their was not a lot of cure back then to how it is today. 

     I wanted to create a very tired, ill/sick looking character by showing that she has also a very poor diet with sour, rubbed eyes, very cold dry looking lips and messy falling out wedding hair.

    I added a piece of jewellery onto my model to represent Miss Havishams wealth and richness. 

    Miss Havisham face chart

    View photo.JPG in slide show 

    • I firstly mixed a light pale white base with a small bit of tone of grey colour creating a ill/sick look, using both kryolan pallets.
    •  I then started working on the eye area by mixing together a dark beige colour and applying it around the eyes creating a dark, tired look effect using d7 and d11, blending it in around the eyes with my fingers. Product by kryolan contouring pallet. I then used a purple lip stick by loreal called dry night no. 380  and just gently dabbed it onto my models eyes blending it with the dark beige creating a natural tired looking eyes effect with a look that it has been rubbed as if she has been crying.
    • I then applied a red eyeliner inside the water line for a more tired, sick look effect by using a red mac pencil liner.
    • To contour the face I just mixed together again by kryolan a d7 with d11 and contoured under the cheek bones to create a dark cheek bone effect from how she hasn't been eating properly she has gotten her self sick and also loosing weight.
    • I lastly created the lips just by adding a natural pink colour and then on top rubbing some blue colour onto my models face to create a real affect cold looking dry lips.


    • To create the hair I firstly sectioned the hair into two sections. Starting to work from the back forward I firstly created the back into a french pleat and just secured it in place by using hairgrips and spraying hairspray.
    • I then started to take small sections again working from the crown area forward, taking small sections and backcombing each section that I am taking and rolling it inwards and creating small individual vertical rolls with high. By backcombing the hair and then just adding hair spray you can then start texturising the hair by creating a messy look effect.
    • Once I have finished creating my individual vertical rolls I then started hair spraying the hair and creating texture with my fingers specially around the front and the sides as to give create a messy falling out hair do. 

     Hair inspiration

    I got very inspired by this image by how messy and big the hair was so I got the idea of creating a messy look but instead with verticle rolls and keeping it wedding looking.

    Make-up inspiration
    I got my inspiration by this photo as it shows her tiredness and sickness by having dark circled eyes and the pale skin to how she never leave the house so her skin can never catch any sun.
    www. pinterest.com

    Recreation of Miss Havisham Part 2 


    My second shooting of Miss Havisham was very hard to recreate the same look specially the hair as each curl needed to sit exactly as the first photo for it to match as in films sometimes you need to recreate maybe several looks that you created before if needing to re shoot all over again so it is very important to take step by step images of your designs and work so you can then recreate the same design as you did before.