Wednesday 2 April 2014

The HORROR rules

  • When it appears that you have killed the killer, never go and check to see if its really dead.
  • Do not go and check the basement especially if the power has just gone out.
  • If you are searching for something which caused a load noise and you find out its just a cat, leave the room immediately if you value your life.
  • Do not take anything from the dead. 
  • If you find a town which looks dessert its probably for a good reason. Take the hint and stay away.
  • If your car runs out of gas late at night, do not go to the nearby deserted looking house to call for help. Likewise if your car has broken down, and the only refuge for miles is that creepy old mansion/castle on the hill. Stay in the car. Beware of strangers bearing tools such as chainsaws, staple, guns, hedge trimmers, electric carvings knives, lawnmowers, smoldering irons,band saws or any devices made from deceased compasions.
  • Never listen to music that contains staccato shrieking violins.
  • If you are a woman never strip and take a shower in slow motion.
  • The first woman to even remove a piece of clothing is dead meat!
  • Never back out of one room into another room, its always behind you.
  • If you think something is behind you don't bother turning around to check. Just run.
  • Blonde's either females or males will get it!
  • After you manage to kill the killer never sit beside it and cry. It will just pop up and finish its job.
  • Never hide in the closet or under the bed.
  • When and if you fall while running and the killer is near you, don't just sit there screaming like someone will hear you. Get up and RUN.
  • When running away from the killer never run up stairs or back into the house because he will get you!

Now you know the rules 
there coming to get you !


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