Wednesday 2 April 2014

Quintin Design

Quintin is Claudia's imaginary boyfriend!
 She is very suspicious about him as she thinks he is not being loyal to her, so she punishes him by keeping him by tying him down and keeping him hostage.. 

Face chart 

Hair Products used 
  • Hairspray
  • Hair Mouse
  • Pin tale comb
  • Round brush
  • Sectioning clips
  • Hair dryer
Make-up Products used
  • Foundation pallets
  • Concealer pallets 
  • Red pencil liner
  • Vaseline 
  • Grease make up palette - grey,black, red & yellow
  • Invisible Powder
  • Fake Blood
  • Brittle sponge 
  • Make-up brushes
Step by Step on creating Quintin
I firstly started creating the hair by adding mouse onto the hair I then sectioned the hair and started drying the hair using a round brush working my way from the nape area towards the crown are once I got into the front i then added more hair mouse as my model had a short block fringe i used a pin tale comb and brushed hair mouse into my models hair making sure it was going between the the layers of the hair rather than the product just sitting on the top. i then used a hair dryer and blow dried the hair back words for ten seconds whilst also using water to change the hair shaped how i wanted it to fall. i then added two section clips onto each side holding the hair back but using paper so i wouldn't dent the hair as I didn't want any kinks in the hair and left it on until i completed my make up design and added some hairspray for a smooth down fly away look.
I used a pallet foundation tone to what my model already had giving a Gothic look. once the foundation was applied i then started to create a black eye look effect by mixing a grey, yellow, red and black together creating the colour i wanted and i applied it on top of the eyes and the bottom creating a black eye effect. i then added a red pencil liner inside the waterline creating a sour look effect. once i was happy with the black eye results i then added a Beard onto my female model creating her to look like a male by dabbing my sponge into a grey grease colour palette and dabbing onto my models face into a bird effect and using the same sponge i then created a sour scratch on the right eye from where Claudia has been beating Quintin as she thinks he has been cheating on her. i then left the blood on my model nose for last and applied it on with a brush building it up by layers creating texture.

My inspiration moosboard

Before Image

Face charts


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