Wednesday 19 March 2014

Claudia and Quintin..

Claudia is a 20 year old girl that lives in her own world. And as a child she was left alone with out parenting guide, that she ended up brig in her self up by watching alot of horror movies.

After Claudia seeing so many horror movies she now believes that this is how life really is. Horrendously scary and she fears to death that someone is coming to get her!

Claudia never leaves the house or has any contacts with the outside world. She keeps in touch with the outside world through her neighbours that bring her food and the morning mail.
Claudia is a very paranoid young girl that never step out of the house as she thinks that there is someone out to get her, in fact she even locks herself inside the house..

Claudia suits her look to what ever film she is watching at the time, She gets her fashion looks from the actresses that are on the horror movies she is watching. Claudia has no idea of the fashion styles in the real world as she never goes out the house to socialise.

Claudia has an imaginary boyfriend called Quintin, to her he is always a disappointment! they speak on the telephone alot as when he does come round to see her she always has the door locked with fear that someone is going to come for her!

Claudia has a paranoia that Quintin is cheating on her as he is never around, so she has him under the thumb and shows him whos boss by beating him and punishing him by making him her prisioner so no one else can have him as he is all hers!!

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