Tuesday 25 March 2014

Beautiful, striking and simple hair



Medieval Gothic simple hair style.
  • Step by step
  • I firstly added some hair mouse onto my models hair, then I started taking smaller sections and hair drying the hair smoothly straight down with a round brush working from the nape up into the crown area and sides.
  • Once the hair is all smoothed at the back, I then added some more hair mouse onto the front of my models hair and using a pintail comb I then brushed the mouse into the hair backwards and adding heat with the hairdryer with the nozzle directing the hair backwards into place.
  • For the final finish I just added some hairspray to set the hair into place and add some shine into the hair.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

P!nk - U + Ur Hand


Lady Gaga - Bad Romance

Lady Gaga - Born This Way

I absolutely love the skeleton make up design lady gaga has in this vedio it has very sldo inspired me...

David Guetta - Turn Me On ft. Nicki Minaj (+playlist)

I though it was very scary in the way and i liked the idea this video has like machines for producing bodies as to a reversal of killing bodies machines!. But having Niki Minaj walking around with a killer weapon then thats when things start looking even more scary as if she is going to kill someone...

Rihanna - Disturbia

By seeing this video I have been inspired by the white eye contacts  Rihanna is wearing, the great big dark evil lips along with the crazy evil speedy fast movements Rihanna is doing.
This is what cough my eye as for me Claudia is beautiful but in a dark looking scary way. 

I loved the idea of Rihanna being tide onto a chair as a prisoner and having her arms tide up onto a wood as a hostage.
This to me gave me the idea for Quintin as he is Claudias prisoner for where she doesn't trust him and is very obsessed of him. 

Gothic horror music videos

Michael Jackson - Thriller 
The Michael Jackson - Thriller has inspired me to add a freaky, horror and also beautiful twist onto my design of Claudia and Quintin.

Claudia and Quintin..

Claudia is a 20 year old girl that lives in her own world. And as a child she was left alone with out parenting guide, that she ended up brig in her self up by watching alot of horror movies.

After Claudia seeing so many horror movies she now believes that this is how life really is. Horrendously scary and she fears to death that someone is coming to get her!

Claudia never leaves the house or has any contacts with the outside world. She keeps in touch with the outside world through her neighbours that bring her food and the morning mail.
Claudia is a very paranoid young girl that never step out of the house as she thinks that there is someone out to get her, in fact she even locks herself inside the house..

Claudia suits her look to what ever film she is watching at the time, She gets her fashion looks from the actresses that are on the horror movies she is watching. Claudia has no idea of the fashion styles in the real world as she never goes out the house to socialise.

Claudia has an imaginary boyfriend called Quintin, to her he is always a disappointment! they speak on the telephone alot as when he does come round to see her she always has the door locked with fear that someone is going to come for her!

Claudia has a paranoia that Quintin is cheating on her as he is never around, so she has him under the thumb and shows him whos boss by beating him and punishing him by making him her prisioner so no one else can have him as he is all hers!!

Thursday 13 March 2014

Cuts, burns and wounds that are made in moulds

Cuts and Burns

When  creating a burned, cut effect I used
  • Mouldin gelatin
  • Laytex
  • Tissues
It is all harmless to the skin
When using gelatin, you will need to melt down the gelatin by heating the gelatin in a microwave by putting cubs of gelatin in a dish or in a bowl of cold water then into a microwave ( just be aware on how hot it can get), as you won't want to burn the models skin by over heating it. You should only microwave the gelatin for 60 seconds and the less gelatin you have in the bottle the less seconds you will need to heat up.
Gelatin gives shine creating a real look effect and a sticky gory texture. 
 You can get different colours of gelatin, you can even use it as a body art by drawing with it. You don't have to prepare the skin and once it is dry you can even apply make up on top of the gelatin by creating a more defined look. By using warm water you will remove the gelatin and you can also even use it on the hair it doesn't have to just be used on the skin. 
Creating the burn, cut effect
I started by ripping tissue paper into small bits and only using the middle parts rather than the corners and sharp parts of the tissue as it gives a different texture that doesn't look as great as by using only the middle parts it looks like the skin is lifting naturally. I then used laytex to secure the tissue onto the skin and I carried on applying tissue paper and laytexting it around the edges only as I wanted a lift effect and applying latex all over would only just smooth it down, once I was happy with the amount of tissue paper I had applied onto my models arm I then started mixing a dark red with blue together on the back of my hand to create a dark bruised colour effect once I was happy with the colour that I created for my bruising. I then by using a angle brush stared going around the edges of the tissue paper by creating a sour looking effect by shading it and also opening up the tissue creating a cut look effect and adding colour inside the rip of the paper, once I was happy with my shading I then started adding gelatin for gory, messy, burn, shine. For the final touches I added some blood onto the open lifted bits of tissue paper that I opened up to create a burst, burn effect for a more real look effect.   
Wounds made with moulds
Download photo 5.JPG (649.1 KB)Download photo 4.JPG (486.8 KB)Download photo 2.JPG (496.2 KB)Download photo 3.JPG (564.4 KB)Download photo 1.JPG (548.4 KB)
  • Gelatin used in the moulds
  • You can apply gelac, laytex and use it in the moulds!
  • Once you have created the mouldes you then powder it very well using a big round brush and use a small pin to remove it, if you would like to use the moulds.
  • You then stick it on with pro-aide and you also remove it with pro-aide remover.
  • You can make around a million different shaped and sizes
  • You melt away the gelatin away with warm water
  • Acetone will melt away gelatin with warm water.
  •  you can even colour over the using pallets and can add blood, you can paint it onto the skin and add more gelatin wouldas it be great to useit for a film that has bullets in.
  • You can use it for fashion if you wanted to create a scar effect
  • For a faster time you could use a hairdryer, you can apply laytex in the fridge.
  • remove grease with surgical spirit on the area you would like to apply the gelatin mould.
  • Pros-aide applied to prostate making sure you get all the edges very pressed in, baby bud roll it in get all the air out of it.
  • wait till its dry
  • blend away the edges, using a cotton bud and warm water
  • add a powder after it is dryed.

Creating a black eye look effect

To create a black eye effect you firstly need to add a moisturiser into the skin, by applying moisturiser it sinks in the make-up.
  • Start with yellow colour with a brush and blending with fingers around the eye so it looks like it is coming under the skin rather than sitting on the skin.
  • Apply the red by dabbing it around the eye and blend the yellow and red together creating a more real effect.  
  • By adding Vaseline onto the eye after applying the make up first it will give a more sour, shinny black eye and it will also make the eye stand out with a painful look for a new bruise or you could powder it by creating a more old bruise effect, depending if you wanted the bruise to be old looking or new looking. .

Wednesday 12 March 2014

My interpretation of creating Estella

 My key words for Estella where cold, secretly loving and cruel.  

I see Estella being a very cold person specially towards men and intimidating other woman but deep down she is secretly loving and she hides it by being cruel and cold as to who she is meant to be and to act as that was what she was tough, to be braking men's hearts by getting them to fall in love with her beauty. 

I created Estella by adding a Victorian old shape and creating small vertical rolls on top by using individual highlighted extensions, creating height on top of the head, detail and different shades effect onto the hair by making it look shinier on a black and white photo. I also added a donut on the back of the head to create a shape and used hair extensions to join the top section along with the back section as my model had a very short bob hair. I then curled my models hair at the sides creating a shinny louse wave representing her softness and hidden delicate. I wanted my Estella to have dark hair colour as it represents her coldness and cruelty

I used ornamentation to express Estella by adding jewelry not only to decorate but to also represent her wealth and power. I added a red sparkly ribbon but created it into a rose representing her secretly loving side and the glitter on the ribbon represents the sparkles she has for Pip how he was different and meant to her compare to all the other men Pip always had her attention. 

I kept the make-up Victorian and simple as i wanted her to look natural and flawless, I wanted her eyes to be centre of attention as that's what she used to use to seduce men with. and kept her lips to a simple pale colour as she was a classy wealthy respected ladie. 

I wanted the dress to be very elegant but also to be showing off her shoulders to seduce men.     

Estella Insperation

I got inspired by the simple beautiful make up by having the eyes the attention of the picture and having the hair detail, shine with a softness look effect.  Victorian Victorianvictorian hairstyle. I wish I had enough hair for this it's beautiful